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Organic greek sage
(Salvia officinalis)

Native herb mostly of northern, mountainous regions of our country.

Its scientific name "salvia" comes from the Latin word "salvare", which means save-treat.

In folk therapy, the sage is known for its actions on symptoms of indigestion , it is used for the relief of stomach and the liver, for the treating mouth inflammation and throat, for stomatitis, gingivitis as well et.

Its high content of bioactive substances, phenols and terpenes, impart strong antioxidant properties making it a natural preservative in processed foods and beverages as well.

Its essential oils are added to pharmaceutical products, in cosmetic products and perfumes.

It is widely used either as a beverage for its antibacterial, antimicrobial, disinfectant, antispasmodic, anticancer actions, against the excessive sweating, in cases of nerves disorders, either as a spice in many recipes of Mediterranean cuisine.

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